Saturday, October 7, 2023

Half A Life by V.S.Naipaul


 Hafe A Life by V.S.Naipaul

The book "Half A Life," written by Naipaul, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001. Many believe that "A House for Mr. Biswas" is Naipaul's best work, while Literary critics considers "Half A Life" the best among them.

"V. S. Naipaul's novel, 'Half Life,' narrates the tale of Willy Somerset Chandran, a man who dedicated two decades of his life to the pursuit of meaning, contentment, and peace. However, at the age of 41, he contemplated embarking on a new chapter in his life."

This book serves as a sort of autobiography, written by the author himself, who was of Indian origin, born in Trinidad, lived in London, and passed away in London in 2018.

"Willie Chandran, whose father included a part of the author's name in his son's name due to his fascination with the famous British author William Somerset Maugham's book 'Razor's Edge,' is a Hindu Brahmin from a well-to-do family. Due to his marriage to a poor girl, he is constantly blamed by his family."

Like many of his father's relatives, Willy is dissatisfied with his life in India and his family. However, as time passes, he begins to see his father's point of view, even though he used to blame his father for his disappointments and confusion.

Willie studies in London and works part-time as a writer for BBC Radio. However, even after writing his first book, Willy is disillusioned, lonely, and not accepted by the new society. His life changes when he corresponds with Ana, an Afro-Orange girl, about his book. He travels to Africa with Anna, thinking that they will return in a few days while the reader of the novel realizes in the next few lines that eighteen years have passed since their trip to Africa and Willy finally accepts his fate.

In "Half A Life," Naipaul explores themes such as identity, immigration, and the search for meaning and purpose in life. The novel prominently addresses Willy's migration from India to England and then to Africa as he seeks to discover his role as a human being in a multicultural world, a society, and a culture that are constantly Transforming.

Willie Chandran, while looking for another identity after emigration, is discriminated and humiliated in the new society. When the novel's character talks about going to Africa, crossing the Red Sea, Djibouti, Mombasa and the coast of Africa until finally arriving at Anna's motherland, which is probably (Mosaic), the story becomes clearer. The protagonist has no sense of satisfaction from the past and family background. It does not care about its history and culture and tries to hide its past.

"I have been hiding from myself. I have risked nothing. And now the best part of my life is over." page 130

And on the last page of the book, we find the statement, "Now the best part of my life is over, and I haven't done anything."

In conclusion, "Half A Life" serves as a lesson for all readers, emphasizing that the key to finding the meaning of life lies within the minds and hearts of individuals, rather than in India, London, or Africa."


Excerpts from this book

The opinion of some critics about the book Half A Life

" A masterpiece ... and a potent distillation of the author's work to date."

That was how I became famous. Not in India, where there is a lot of jealousy, but abroad. And the jealousy turned to rage when the writer's famous novel came out during the war, and foreign critics began to see in me the spiritual source of The Razor's Edge. Page 5

I had wished, after all, only to follow the great men of our country. Fate, tossing me about, had made me a hero to people who, fighting their own petty caste war, wished to pull them down. page 29

Within my silence I feel quite free. That is happiness. page 30

It was a broken-down and dusty shack in a suburb far from the maharaja's palace and all his good intentions. Broken- down through it was, the teachers and the school servants didn't want Willie Chandran's mother there. the school servants were ever more fierce than the teachers. they said they would starve rather than serve in school which took in backwards. page 37

When Ana came to the hospital courage came to me, and I told her I wanted to divorce with her.

But I have done him nothing. He is not me. He is his mother's son. All this Mom-and-Pop business comes from her. She can't help it. It's her background. She has these mission-school ambitions. Perhaps after a few hundred rebirths, she will be more evolved. But she can't wait like other decent folk. Like so many backwards nowadays, she wants to jump the gun." Page 39

Willie thought in his head, in English, "he is not only a fraud, but a coward." Page 40

If you are resolute enough you will find a way."Do you accept?" And the Brahman says," I accept." The spirit says," Sleep, rich man. When you awaken you will be in your old temple and the world will be at your feet. But never forget your pledge." Page 44

"Eating my salt and abusing me."

He remembered one of the things his mother's Uncle used to say: that the backwards had been shut out for so long from society that they knew nothing of India, nothing of the other religions, nothing even of the religion of the people of caste, whose serfs they were. And he thought, " This blankness is one of the things I have got from my mother's side." page 53

He made his father's father a "courtier. " So playing with words, he began to re-make himself. It excited him and began to give him a feeling of power.

His tutors said, "You seem to be settling in." page 58

Life doesn't have a neat beginning and a tidy end. life is always going on. you should begin in the middle and end in the middle, and it should all be there. This story about the brahmin and the treasure and the child sacrifice - it could have begun with the tribal Chief coming to see the brahmin in his hermitage. He begins by threatening and ends by grovelling, but when he leaves we should know he is planning a terrible murder. Page 79

"And then there'll be something else to wait for, and then there'll be something after that. This is your father's life." Page 110

 Kama Sutra: page 111

"A guide to the art of living well, the nature of love, finding a life partner, maintaining one's love life, and other aspects pertaining to pleasure-oriented faculties of human life ..."

When Willy goes to Africa with Anna, he thinks that they will return after a few days, and the reader of the book realizes that 18 years have passed since he was in Africa.

After studying in India and writing his first book, Wille is disillusioned and up in the air, and when he meets Anna, he goes to Africa with Anna, thinking that they will return after a few days, and the readers of this book realizes that he has remain in Africa for 18 years.

They have declared that they are, and they risk everything for it. I am hiding from myself. I have taken no risks and now the best part of my life is over. Page 130

They have proclaimed who they are and they are risking everything for it. I have been hiding from myself. I have risked nothing. And now the best part of my life is over. page 130

"I can't live anywhere else," said overseer page 138

And when I next saw the mildewed white staff bungalows I looked at them with a new respect. So bit by bit I learned. Not only about cotton and sisal and cashew, but also about the people. page 138

He said," That's the trouble. To do business you have to be in business. You have to start thinking in a different way. You can't write to people like boots and think they'll want to do business with you just for a year and a day." page 160

When she came back later I said to her "I am forty-one I am tired of living your life."

"You wanted it, Willie . you asked. I had to think about it."

"I know you did everything for me you made it easy for me here. I couldn't have lived here without you. When I asked you in London I was frightened. I had nowhere to go. They were going to throw me out of the college at the end of the term and I didn't know what I could do to keep afloat. But now the best part of my life has gone, and I've done nothing.”

"You are frightened of the new war."

"And even if we go to Portugal, even if they let me in there, it would still be your life. I have been hiding for too long."

"Ana said, perhaps it wasn't really my life either." Page 211

Adel Esmaeilpour Channel

Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul, summary

"Half a Life" By VS Naipaul

Search For Identity, Meaning & Acceptance | Half A Life

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